Course Catalogue

Master Craftsman Wisdom & Reflection

  • 9 Sections

  • 29 Videos

  • 0 Assignments

  • 14 Handouts

  • 9 Tests

Master Craftsman Wisdom & Reflection is designed to provide you with futher opportunity to increase your knowledge of the Scottish Rite. In this advanced level, the focus will be the lessons taught in each degree and their practical applications to your life.  As in Master Craftsman ritaul & History, your primary texts will be The Scottish Rite Ritual Monitor & Guide and A Bridge To Light.  THESE TEXTS MUST BE PURCHASED SEPARATELY.

There are nine quizzes and a final exam which consists of fifteen essay questions. 

The Master's Steps

  • 3 Sections

  • 1 Videos

  • 0 Assignments

  • 17 Handouts

  • 3 Tests
As a Master Mason, how much do you know about the basic teachings of your Blue Lodge?  In this mini-course, Master Masons will be quizzed on their existing knowledge of basic Masonic History, Ritual and Symbolism.  Whether you have been newly raised or are a Mason with decades of experience, this course will test what you know about Freemasonry already. It will also determine if you are ready to proceed to some of the more advanced courses in the Master Craftsman® Online College. 
Why 33?

  • 1 Sections

  • 1 Videos

  • 0 Assignments

  • 4 Handouts

  • 1 Tests
This course is designed to give a Scottish Rite Mason a deeper understanding of basic history and a working knowledge of the organizational structure of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction-Mother Supreme Council of the World. The course will also answer many frequently asked questions about the Scottish Rite, giving a Scottish Rite Mason a broader grasp of the fraternity. Though the course is designed with a newer Scottish Rite Mason in mind, it can also be considered a review or refresher course for experienced Scottish Rite Masons.
Ordo Ab Chao

  • 1 Sections

  • 1 Videos

  • 0 Assignments

  • 5 Handouts

  • 1 Tests

The Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite, USA SJ, began officially on May 31, 1801.  The first printed document the Council released was in 1802, called the Circular Throughout the Two Hemispheres, also known as the 1802 Manifesto.  This mini-course will allow students to get to know about this document and understand its importance to the Scottish Rite.


Master Craftsman® Symbolic Lodge Course

  • 7 Sections

  • 0 Videos

  • 0 Assignments

  • 15 Handouts

  • 7 Tests

The Scottish Rite Master Craftsman™: Symbolic Lodge course will familiarize students with aspects of the development of Blue Lodge Masonry and explore some of its developing symbolism.

Albert Pike’s book, Esoterika: The Symbolism of the Blue Degrees of Freemasonry will be used as the primary text and several sections of the Scottish Rite Ritual Monitor and Guide (3rd Edition) will also be used.

TEXT BOOKS MUST BE OBTAINED SEPARATELY. Physical copies can be purchased HERE and Kindle editions can be purchsed HERE.

Master Craftsman® Ritual & History Course

  • 6 Sections

  • 0 Videos

  • 0 Assignments

  • 19 Handouts

  • 6 Tests

Master Craftsman®: Scottish Rite Ritual & History familiarizes students with the basic structure of the Scottish Rite as well as aspects of the rituals and symbols of the twenty-nine degrees (4°–32°) and honors of the Scottish Rite. Consisting of 6 lessons, it utilizes The Scottish Rite Ritual Monitor & Guide, third edition, by Arturo de Hoyos and A Bridge to Light, 4th edition, by Rex Hutchens as its textbooks.

Master Craftsman® Philosophy Course

  • 10 Sections

  • 0 Videos

  • 0 Assignments

  • 68 Handouts

  • 10 Tests

The Scottish Rite Master Craftsman™ Philosophy program will help you delve deeply into the teachings and philosophies of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite.

As Freemasonry is a progressive system, with the lessons in each degree building upon the lessons taught in the preceding degree, the Master Craftsman® program has been designed with the same approach in mind. This course will provide you with a greater insight into philosophical concepts underpinning the ritual of the Scottish Rite.

The primary text is Albert Pike’s Morals & Dogma: Annotated Edition, by Arturo de Hoyos, 33°, Grand Cross (sold seperately). Originally published in 1872, Morals & Dogma has always stood as a daunting challenge to its readers, perhaps in the way the moon looked unreachable for most of human history. But this course will be your guide, helping you to negotiate this intimidating journey one step at a time. You can also purchase the Kindle eBook by clicking here.

The Ivory Key

  • 4 Sections

  • 4 Videos

  • 0 Assignments

  • 15 Handouts

  • 4 Tests
For over 223 years, the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry has been fullfilling the promise of more light in Masonry.  But with such a long and stroied history, a well-defined central structure and a myriad of symbols and lessons to absorb, often a new Scottish Rite candidate can feel overwhlemed.  This short course will help Scottish Rite Candidates and newly made Scottish Rite Masons get the most out of their Scottish Rite Reunion experience. 
Monday Morning Masonry: The Lodge of Perfection Degrees

  • 11 Sections

  • 0 Videos

  • 0 Assignments

  • 12 Handouts

  • 11 Tests
A weekly fun-quiz for subscribers of the Monday Morning Masonry email series.