Master Craftsman® Online College & Leadership Academy

Why 33? Course Now Available


Welcome to the Master Craftsman® Online College & Leadership Academy

What is it you most desire?

Since 2008, the Scottish Rite Master Craftsman™ program has been providing light in Freemasonry through mail-in and online correspondence courses focusing on Masonic history, ritual and philosophy.  Thousands of our brothers have learned more about our ancient craft, and more about themselves through these courses.

Now the Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction has taken the next step in Masonic Education.

Welcome to Master Craftsman® Online College & Leadership Academy. 

This is a complete, online, multimedia learning system designed by Masons for Masons, and is similar to online learning platforms used by colleges and universities around the world.  Master Craftsman® Online College & Leadership Academy students will be able to select from numerous Masonic Education & Leadership courses and track their learning progress through a fun and interactive learning system.  Best of all, the online learning system is available on any device, so you can improve yourself in Masonry anytime, anywhere. 

New courses will be released regularly, providing the modern Freemason with a constant source of more light in Freemasonry.

Registration is now open, and the next part of your Masonic Journey is only a few clicks away.   

Current Course Offerings

The Porch & The Middle Chamber- The Scottish Rite Blue Degrees


The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is a complete system of Masonic degress from the 1st through the 32nd degrees. However, in the United States, the right to confer the first three degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry are reserved for Grand Lodges.  Though around the world the "blue" degrees of the Scottish Rite are communicated more than any other, in the United States these degrees are all but unknown to most Masons.

In this course, students will be introduced to the Scottish Rite Blue degrees through the book Albert Pike’s The Porch & The Middle Chamber: The Book of The Lodge by Arturo de Hoyos, 33° Grand Cross. Students will also explore the history of the development of these degrees, examine early American craft lodge rituals and read and study a complete monitor of the Scottish Rite Blue degrees as completed by Albert Pike.

Students who complete the course will receieve a specially designed pin and certificate of completion.

¿Por qué 33?


Este curso está diseñado para brindarle al Masón del Rito Escocés una comprensión más profunda de la historia básica y un conocimiento práctico de la estructura organizacional del Rito Escocés Antiguo y Aceptado, Jurisdicción Sur-Consejo Supremo Madre del Mundo. El curso también responderá muchas preguntas frecuentes sobre el rito escocés, brindando al masón del rito escocés una comprensión más amplia de la fraternidad. Aunque el curso está diseñado pensando en un masón del rito escocés más nuevo, también puede considerarse un curso de revisión o actualización para masones del rito escocés experimentados.

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Master Craftsman® Online College Quick Start Video

How To Get Started & Enroll in a Course

  1. Master Craftsman Online College courses are open to any Master Mason of a Lodge recognized by the Conference of Grand Masters In North America.
  2. If you are Scottish Rite Mason in the Southern Juridisction, you will login to to the system using your current Scottish Rite membership credentials. If you need to set these up, please CLICK HERE.
  3. If you are NOT a Scottish Rite Southern Juridiction member, you will need to verifiy your Masonic affiliation.  CLICK HERE to do so.
  4. Using your credentials, login to the system.
  5. Once you arrive in the dashboard, click “Add Course” on the left sidebar.
  6. Review the available courses and click the “Enroll” button located in the course details for the course you are interested in.
  7. Go through the checkout/enrollment process.
  8. Start the course!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Login to the system using your current Scottish Rite membership credentials. If you need to set these up, please click here. Currently, you must be an active Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction Member to access the system.
  2. Once you arrive in the dashboard, click “Add Course” on the left sidebar. Review the available courses and click the “Enroll” button located in the course details for the course you are interested in.
  3. Go through the checkout/enrollment process.
  4. Start the course!
The Master Craftsman®: Scottish Rite Ritual & History Course familiarizes students with the basic structure of the Scottish Rite as well as aspects of the rituals and symbols of the twenty-nine degrees (4°–32°) and honors of the Scottish Rite. Consisting of 6 lessons, it utilizes The Scottish Rite Ritual Monitor & Guide, third edition, by Arturo de Hoyos and A Bridge to Light, 4th edition, by Rex Hutchens as its textbooks.
Both Master Craftsman® Symbolic Lodge and Master Craftsman® Ritual & History are contained in the Master Craftsman® Online College and Leadership Academy Course offerings.  There have been some small updates and changes, and the addition of a few pieces of multi-media content to enhance the learning activities.  However, the online College will also be offering an ever-expanding selection of new courses and mini courses designed fulfill the promise of More Light In Freemasonry.
If you have taken Master Craftsman® Symbolic Lodge and/or Master Craftsman® Ritual & History, you do not need to take those two courses again.  Though there are some small adjustments made to accommodate the online system, the learning material is unchanged.

Essentially the course is unchanged EXCEPT for the order of the questions.  In order to accommodate the robust nature of the Master Craftsman® Philosophy Course, all the multiple-choice questions are contained in the quizzes.  All the essay questions are now included in the final exam.  We recommend students print the final exam from the printable study guide and answer the essay questions as they go. Then at the end they can simply transcribe or cut & paste their answers into the final exam. A full walkthrough of this is included in the course.

For your convenience, you can log in using your existing Scottish Rite Online portal credentials.  If you have never set up your portal credentials, visit members.scottishrite.org and follow the on-screen prompts.